11 Key Data Structures We Use Every Day


11 min read

11  Key Data Structures We Use Every Day

Data structures are the building blocks of modern programming and play a crucial role in organizing and manipulating data. From simple arrays to complex graphs, they enable software developers to efficiently access and process information, making them a vital tool for software engineering.

As a software developer, understanding the basics of data structures is essential to building efficient and effective software systems. That's why I've put together an article exploring the 11 key data structures you'll use daily in programming. We'll dive deep into their features, use cases, and implementations, providing real-world examples of how they are used to solve problems and optimize performance.


Data structures are tools used in computer programming to efficiently store and organize data, making it easy to access and manipulate. They are essential in building efficient and effective software systems, allowing for fast and optimal information processing. By using data structures, programmers can optimize their code and build powerful applications that handle large amounts of data.


Definition of Lists

A list is a collection of items that are ordered and changeable. In programming, a list is a data structure with an ordered collection of elements, each identified by an index or key. Lists are a fundamental data structure used in most programming languages, and they can contain any type of data, such as numbers, strings, and even other lists.

Examples of Lists

  1. Shopping List: A simple example of a list is a shopping list. The items on the list are ordered, and you can add or remove items from the list. For example, a shopping list can contain milk, eggs, bread, and cheese.

  2. To-Do List: Another common example of a list is a to-do list. A to-do list contains tasks that need to be completed, and the order of the tasks is usually based on their priority. For example, a to-do list can contain tasks such as "finish report," "call client," and "send email."

  3. Contact List: A contact list lists people's names and contact information. The list is ordered alphabetically by the person's name and can be used to quickly find someone's contact information. For example, a contact list can contain names, phone numbers, and email addresses.

  4. Music Playlist: A music playlist is a list of songs played in a particular order. The order of the songs can be changed, and songs can be added or removed from the list. For example, a music playlist can contain songs such as "Stairway to Heaven," "Master of Puppets" and "Highway to Hell."


Definition of Arrays:

An array is a data structure that stores a collection of elements of the same type in contiguous memory locations, accessed using an index. Arrays provide a convenient way to store and access many elements of the same type.

Examples of Arrays:

  1. Temperature Array: An array can be used to store daily temperature values. Each element of the array represents the temperature for a specific day, and the index represents the day of the year. For example, an array of size 365 can store temperature values for each day of the year.

  2. Student Grades Array: An array can also store student grades. Each element of the array represents the grade for a specific student, and the index represents the student's ID number. For example, an array of size 50 can store grades for 50 students.

  3. Image Array: An array can be used to store image pixels. Each element of the array represents a single pixel in the image, and the index represents the pixel's position in the image. For example, an array of size 640x480 can store the pixels of a 640x480 image.


Definition of Stacks:

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. It is a collection of elements added or removed from one end, known as the top of the stack. The main operations performed on a stack are push (addition of an element to the top) and pop (removal of the top element).

Examples of Stacks:

  1. Undo-Redo in Text Editors: Text editors like Microsoft Word use stacks to implement undo-redo operations. Each time the user types, the current text state is added to the stack. If the user performs an undo operation, the top state is popped from the stack and used to revert the text to the previous state. Similarly, redo operations can be implemented by pushing states back onto the stack.

  2. Function Calls: Stacks are also used to implement function calls in programming languages. When a function is called, the program's current state is saved onto the stack. The function executes, and when it returns, the saved state is popped from the stack to resume the program's execution.

  3. Backtracking: Stacks can be used to implement backtracking algorithms in computer science. Backtracking is a technique used to solve problems involving a sequence of choices. The choices are stored in a stack, and if a choice leads to a dead end, the last choice is removed from the stack, and the algorithm tries a different choice. This process continues until a solution is found or all possible choices have been tried.


Definition of Queues:

A queue is a linear data structure that follows the "First In, First Out" (FIFO) principle. In other words, the first item to be added to the queue is the first to be removed. A queue has two main operations: enqueue, which adds an element to the back of the queue, and dequeue, which removes the element from the front of the queue.

Examples of Queues:

  1. Waiting in line: A common example of a queue is waiting in line. People who arrive first are served first, and those who arrive later have to wait until their turn comes.

  2. Printer queue: When several print jobs are sent to a printer, they are placed in a queue. The printer serves them in the order in which they were received.

  3. Message queue: In a messaging system, messages are placed in a queue until they can be delivered to their destination. The messages are delivered in the order in which they were received.

  4. Call center: A call center may use a queue to handle incoming calls. Callers are placed in a queue until a representative can assist them.


Definition of Heaps:

A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure where the parent node is ordered for its child node(s). A heap can either be a max-heap or a min-heap. In a max-heap, the parent node is greater than or equal to its child node(s), whereas, in a min-heap, the parent node is less than or equal to its child node(s).

Examples of Heaps:

  1. Priority Queues: Priority queues are often implemented using heaps, where each element has a priority assigned to it. The element with the highest priority is always at the top of the heap and can be quickly accessed and removed. Priority queues are used in various applications, such as operating systems and computer networks.

  2. Dijkstra's Algorithm: Dijkstra's algorithm is a graph traversal algorithm that uses a heap to efficiently find the shortest path between nodes in a graph. The heap keeps track of the nodes that have not yet been visited, and the node with the smallest distance is always at the top of the heap.

  3. Heap Sort: Heap sort is a sorting algorithm that uses a heap to sort an array of elements. The algorithm starts by building a max heap from the array and then repeatedly removing the largest element from the heap and placing it at the end of the array. Heap sort has a time complexity of O (n log n) and is often used in embedded systems and real-time applications.


Definition of Trees:

A tree is a hierarchical data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges. Each node in a tree has a parent node and zero or more child nodes. The topmost node in a tree is called the root node, and the nodes without any children are called leaf nodes. Computer science commonly uses trees to represent hierarchical structures, such as file systems, family trees, and organization charts.

Examples of Trees:

  1. File System: A file system is a common example of a tree. The root directory is the topmost node, and each subdirectory is a child of the root. Each file is a leaf node.

  2. Family Tree: A family tree is another example of a tree. The ancestor is the root node, and each child node represents a descendant. The leaf nodes represent the individuals at the bottom of the tree.

  3. Organization Chart: An organization chart is a tree that represents the hierarchy. The CEO is the root node, and the managers and employees are the child nodes. The leaf nodes represent the individual employees.

Hash Tables:

Definition of Hash Tables:

A hash table is a data structure that stores key-value pairs in a way that allows for efficient retrieval of values based on their associated keys. Hash tables use a hash function to map keys to a particular index in an array, where the associated value is stored.

Examples of Hash Tables:

  1. A dictionary: In a dictionary, the words are the keys, and their meanings are the values. Using a hash table, we can efficiently retrieve the meaning of any given word.

  2. Caching: In web caching, a hash table can store frequently accessed web pages. The URL of the page can be used as the key, and the HTML content of the page can be stored as the value.

  3. Database indexing: Hash tables are often used to provide quick access to records based on their primary key values. The hash function maps the primary key values to specific locations in memory where the records are stored.

Suffix Trees:

Definition of Suffix Trees:

A suffix tree is a tree-based data structure used for efficient string searching. It stores all the suffixes of a given string as paths from the root to the leaf nodes of a tree. Traversing the tree makes it possible to search for all occurrences of a given substring in the original string.

Examples of Suffix Trees:

  1. Genome sequencing: Suffix trees are commonly used in bioinformatics for genome sequencing. A genome can be represented as a long string of nucleotides, and a suffix tree can be used to efficiently search for patterns in the genome.

  2. Text editors: Suffix trees can be used to provide features like auto-completion and syntax highlighting. Building a suffix tree for the document makes it possible to quickly find all occurrences of a given word or phrase.

  3. Data compression: Suffix trees can be used in data compression algorithms to identify repeated patterns in a given string. By replacing repeated patterns with shorter symbols, the string size can be reduced without losing information.


Definition of Sets:

In programming, a set is a collection of unordered unique elements that cannot be indexed. A set is a fundamental data structure in most programming languages, and it is often used for tasks that require checking for the presence of an item in a collection.

Examples of Sets:

  1. Unique values: A set can store a collection of unique values. For example, a set can store the unique words in a document or the unique usernames in a database.

  2. Membership testing: Sets are often used to test whether an element is a member of a collection or not. For example, a set can be used to check if a given IP address is part of a blacklist.

  3. Set operations: Sets support common operations such as union, intersection, and difference. For example, sets can be used to find common elements between two collections or to remove duplicates from a list.


Definition of Graphs:

A graph is a non-linear data structure consisting of nodes and edges, where the nodes represent objects or entities, and the edges represent relationships or connections between the nodes. Graphs can be used to model various real-world phenomena and, in computer science and other fields, to solve various problems.

Examples of Graphs:

  1. Social networks: Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter can be represented using graphs, where each person is a node, and their connections to other people are edges. This allows for the analysis of social connections, trends, and patterns.

  2. Road networks: Road networks can be represented using graphs, where intersections are nodes, and the roads between them are edges. This can be used for navigation and optimization of traffic flow.

  3. Computer networks: Computer networks can be represented using graphs, where computers or network devices are nodes and the connections between them are edges. This allows for analysis and optimization of network performance and security.

  4. Recommendation systems: Recommendation systems like those used by Netflix and Amazon use graphs to model the relationships between users, items, and other relevant data. This allows for personalized recommendations based on user behavior and preferences.

Cache Friendliness

Cache friendliness is about optimizing how data structures and algorithms use a computer's cache memory. This memory stores frequently used data to speed up access times. Designing structures and algorithms that maximize the locality of reference, or keep frequently accessed data close together, is key. This can reduce the number of cache misses and improve performance, especially for large data sets.


Data structures are important for software development as they help organize and manipulate data efficiently. We discussed ten common data structures in this article, each with its characteristics and benefits. By understanding these data structures, developers can choose the best one for their applications, leading to better performance and scalability of their programs.